New Zealand's favourite artists 2

Robinson, Denis Editor

Sixty artists have been chosen to show the variety of ideas, talent, and techniques that are proving popular in New Zealand. Includes brief details of of each artist's background, how they got started, their exhibitions and awards, and significant events that shaped their success.

Artists featured:

Tony Allain

Liam Barr

Philip Beadle

Valerie Beale

Ken Beatson

Deidre Copeland

Jane Crisp

John Crump

Brian Dahlberg

Richard Darbyshire

Donna Demente

Ted Dutch

Amber Emm

Jody Hope Gibbons

Ian Hamlin

Jason Hicks

Colin Higgins

Russell Hollings

Russell Jackson

Anne-Marie Kingsley

Aaron Kereopa

Peter Lambert

Wendy Leach

Lawrence Leitch

John McCormack

Ewan McDougall

Timon Maxey

Tracy Mathewson

Dalene Meiring

Brian Millard

Glen Mills

Sofia Minson

Christian Nicolson

Tony Ogl

Lance O'Gorman

Peter O'Hagan

Rachel Olsen

Patterson Parkin

Adrienne Pavelka

Steev Peyroux

Carole Prentice

Craig Primrose

Raymond Ramsay

Jane Riley

Sue Schaare

Eion Stevens

Justin Summerton

Cynthia Taylor

Jayne Thomas

Christine Tizard

Garrick Tremain

Geoff Tune

Peter Wallers

Angus Watson

Kate Watson

Marilynn Webb

Stephen Marty Welch

Tim Wilson

Paul Woodruffe

Emma Wright
Location edition Bar Code due date
Art Room a36985802