Beyond the call of duty : heart-warming stories of canine devotion and wartime bravery

George, Isabel

Table of contents: Treo : he's my boy -- Smoky : a dog with a destiny -- Antis : loyal unto death -- Tangye : fearless under fire -- Sergeant Stubby : the most decorated dog in history

Summary: Five true stories of canine bravery in wartime. From the bull terrier that became a hero of WWI and the most decorated dog in history, after his bravery in the trenches of Flanders, to the recent heroics of a British Army Arms and Explosive dog who served for five years in Afghanistan, and the remarkable loyalty of an Iraqi stray dog who attached himself to British troops in North Port and then patrolled their camp every night, protecting them from being attacked by the vicious packs of dogs living in the desert
Location edition Bar Code due date
Non-fiction Shelves A38876125
Dewey:355.4 GEO