New Zealand Geographic No. 117

Series: NZ Geographic
*Avalanches - snow avalanches are among nature's moststriking spectacles, but have claimed the lives of 140 New Zealanders since records were kept.

*Signs of life - A photogrpaher's lens reveals the first signs of life for trout, but only one in a thousand eggs will survive to adulthood.

*Publicising peaks - The pioneering spirit of New Zealand's mountaineers was reflected in early publicity posters, as was the burgeoning alpine tourism industry.

*Return of the ancients - Sea turtles are common vagrants in New Zealand waters, which represent the edge of their range.

*In the shadow of giants - Peppered with pumice and ash from its noisy neighbours, the fine desert sand of Te Onetapu are one of the world's only volcanic dune systems.
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