
Chan, Crystal Melinda

295 pages Summary: Jewel never knew her brother Bird, who died the day she was born, but all her life she has lived in his shadow. Her parents blame Grandpa for the tragedy of their family's past; they say that Grandpa attracted a malevolent spirit--a duppy--into their home. Grandpa hasn't spoken a word since. Now Jewel is twelve, and she lives in a house full of secrets. Jewel is sure that no one will ever love her like they loved Bird, until the night that she meets a mysterious boy in a tree. Grandpa is convinced that the boy is a duppy, but Jewel knows that he is something more.

Read with “My sister lives on the mantlepiece”
Additional Notes
Librarian's Miscellania
Crystal Chan
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves A40597896
call #:CHA