The last train to London

Clayton, Meg Waite

451 pages
Summary: 1936. Stephan Neuman is the son of a wealthy Jewish family in Vienna. His best friend is Žofie-Helene, a Christian girl whose mother edits a progressive, anti-Nazi newspaper. Their world is shattered when the Nazis take control. Truus Wijsmuller, a member of the Dutch resistance, risks her life smuggling Jewish children out of Nazi Germany to the nations that will take them. But after the Anschluss -- Hitler's annexation of Austria-- European countries close their borders to the growing number of refugees desperate to escape. After Britain passes a measure to take in at-risk child refugees from the German Reich, Tante Truus races against time to bring children like Stephan, his young brother Walter, and Žofie-Helene on a perilous journey to an uncertain future abroad
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves First edition A6406
Genre:Historical fiction
Historical fiction
Biographical fiction
call #:CLA
20th century