Caging Skies

Leunens, Christine

303 pages
New Zealand author Adapted into the film Jojo Rabbit
Summary: An avid member of the Hitler Youth in the 1940s, Johannes discovers his parents are hiding a Jewish girl called Elsa behind a false wall in their large house in Vienna. His initial horror turns to interest, then love and obsession. After the disappearance of his parents, Johannes finds he is the only one aware of Elsa's existence in the house, the only one responsible for her survival. Both manipulating and manipulated, Johannes dreads the end of the war: with it will come the prospect of losing Elsa and their relationship
Librarian's Miscellania
Jojo Rabbit
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves Revised edition A6461
Genre:Historical fiction
Love stories
Love stories
Historical fiction
call #:LEU