The girl who...
Cordani, Andreina
264 pagesCover: People can't bring themselves to say what happened to her, They just describe her as the girl who
Summary: Leah is the perfect survivor. She was seven years old when she saw her mother and sister killed by a troubled young man. Her case hit the headlines and her bravery made her a national sweetheart: strong, courageous and forgiving. But Leah is hiding a secret about their deaths. And now, ten years later, all she can think of is revenge. When Leah's dad meets a new partner, stepsister Ellie moves in. Sensing Leah isn't quite the sweet girl she pretends to be, Ellie discovers that Leah has a plan, one she has been putting together ever since that fateful day. Now that the killer -- and the only one who knows the truth -- is being released from prison, time is running out for Ellie to discover how far Leah will go to silence her anger
Librarian's Miscellania
20210108142129.0Location | edition | Bar Code | due date |
Fiction Shelves | A6816 |
Genre: | Mystery and suspense stories Mystery and suspense stories |
call #: | COR |
ISBN: | 9780349003528 |
pub: | 2021 |
Subjects |