Shaken #3

Stirling, Joss

Series: Companion to: Struck and Stung
265 pages. Summary: In a tall, narrow brownstone, in Brooklyn, New York, there is a girl with a secret. That girl is Rose Knight. She needs to raise millions of dollars to save her father's life. The arrogant and suave Damien Castle is good at uncovering secrets. He's even better at catching criminals. When he meets Rose he knows something is amiss but he can't help but get distracted. It isn't her terrible dress sense that confuses him, or even her obsession with Egyptology. It's the fact that he has never felt this way about a girl before. But when duty and love are both on the line, which one will Damien choose?
Librarian's Miscellania
0505051610.0 Joss Stirling
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves A41659361