The Oxford Book of Modern Women's stories

Anjana Appachana : The Prophecy

Atwood, Margaret : Hair jewellery

Bowen, Elizabeth : Look at all those roses

Byatt, A.S. : On the day that E.M.Forster died

Calisher, Hortense : The rehabilitation of Genevra Leake

Carter, Angela : Puss-in-boots

Cather, Willa : Paul's case

Gardam, Jane : Something to tell the girls

Gilchrist, Ellen : Victory over Japan

Gordimer, Nadine : Which New Era would that be?

Gordon, Caroline : Hear the Nightingale Sing

Highsmith, Patricia : The terrors of basket weaving

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer : A star and two girls

Jolley, Elizabeth : The play reading

Lessing, Doris : The day Stalin died

Manning, Olivia : In a winter landscape

Mansfield, Katherine : Je ne parle pas francais

Mayor, F.M. : Miss de Mannering of Asham

McCarthy, Mary : Yonder Peasant, Who is he?

Mukherjee, Bharati : A wife's story

Munro, Alice : Meneseteung

O'Brien, Edna : Irish Revel

O'Connor, Flannery : Good country people

Oates, Joyce Carol : Scenes of Passion and Despair

Ozick, Cynthia : The butterfly and the Traffic Light

Paley, Grace : An interest in life

Plath, Sylvia : The day Mr Prescott died

Porter, Katherine Anne : That tree

Rhys, Jean : Overture and beginners please

Smith, Stevie : Is there a life beyond the grave

Spark, Muriel : The house of the famous Poet

Stafford, Jean : The tea time of stouthearted ladies

Stead, Christina : UNO 1945

Tan, Amy : A pair of tickets

Taylor, Elizabeth : The blush

Warner, Sylvia Townsend : Heathy Landscape with Dormouse

Weldon, Fay : In the great war

Welty, Eudora : First Love

Wharton, Edith : Afterward

Woolf, Virginia : The Legacy
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