Elections (New Zealand) : where can I find information about the New Zealand government elections?

National Library of New Zealand New Zealand Ministry of Education

Series: Many answers
1 online resource : colour illustrations Website catalogued: 15 Aug. 2017 AnyQuestions is funded by the Ministry of Education, managed by the National Library of New Zealand, and staffed by librarians from right around New Zealand Topics covered: Politics, elections. political parties, MMP, party vote, voting, parliament, MPs. Social sciences: Identity, culture, and organisation; Continuity and change Contents: History of voting and elections -- Elections today -- Political parties -- Election news, issues and results -- Books -- Related entries Summary: Parliamentary elections are held every 3 years when New Zealanders get the opportunity to decide who will govern the country. Elections following a similar pattern are also held every 3 years to elect mayors and councillors to oversee political issues of a local nature. In this entry we will show you how to find information about New Zealand elections Senior primary (Years 5-8) ; Junior secondary (Years 7-10) Many answers
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