Planets : where can I find information about the different planets in our solar system?

National Library of New Zealand New Zealand Ministry of Education

Series: Many answers
1 online resource : colour illustrations Website catalogued: 16 Aug. 2017 AnyQuestions is funded by the Ministry of Education, managed by the National Library of New Zealand, and staffed by librarians from right around New Zealand Topics covered: Planet formation, planet colour, planet temperature, planet facts, dwarf planets, solar system, space. Science: Planet Earth and beyond Contents: The planets -- Facts and pictures -- Articles and videos -- Books Summary: Planets are round objects that move in circles around stars. There are 8 planets in our solar system (including Earth), and 5 dwarf planets. These planets move around our star, which we call the Sun. In this entry we will show you how to find information about planets Junior primary (Years 1-4) ; Senior primary (Years 5-8) Many answers
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