What the raven saw

Bound, Samantha-Ellen

281 p Summary: Raven is having a rough day. All he wants to do is sit in his belltower, marvel over his treasures and revel in the sort of refined magnificence he's been cultivating for years. But if it isn't pestilent pigeons and beady-eyed weatherhens annoying him, it's those humans tramping about all among his graves. Soon he's forced to deal with a man stuck up a tree, a lovesick scarecrow and an ancient ghost who doesn't quite understand his job description. And re-unite a little girl with her dead brother. And stop a certain unsavoury character who's taken a liking to the church's donation basket. The list never ends for a raven of his pedigree. But perhaps he'll find that all these types have got something to offer him
Librarian's Miscellania
Samantha-Ellen Bound
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves A40594611