The zigzag effect

Wilkinson, Lili

344 p Summary: Sagi is delighted to land a holiday job with a magician. It will earn her the money she needs for the photography course she has coveted ever since she first picked up a camera - and working for The Great Armand should be interesting, right? Plus there's a cute stage-hand named Herb, who could make it even more interesting. But Sage, Herb and The Great Armand's beautiful assistant Bianca stay late at the theatre one night, and a wand gets broken...on the stage. Bianca is horrified, convinced they've brought a curse upon themselves. Sage and Herb dismiss her concerns as irrational superstitions - even after they are mysteriously locked in the supply cupboard. Together. Overnight. And then things really DO go wrong, at the theatre and at home. Sage must figure out who to trust, who's hiding secrets, what's real and what's just clever trickery. Because when a person truly disappears, it is likely that there are more sinister elements at work than magic
Librarian's Miscellania
Lili Wilkinson
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction Shelves A40595729